Retail Smart Shelves

"Future DIGITAL Retail Systems Today"
NCI provides clear strategies for "DIGITAL smart shelf" deployments. Think about the smart shelf as a platform for delivering new services to brand owner and exciting, valuable, personalized experiences to shoppers.

  • NCI consults and deploys the opportunity to generate returns from manufacturers by creating data-led sales and marketing leads at the shelf.
  • NCI analytics match inventory exactly with real-time customer demand. Our algorithms will increase the chances that a retailer has exactly what the increasingly time-pressed shopper is looking for.
We build a smart shelving solution (including all the back-end data analytics capabilities). Retailers gain insight into a subset of the data gathered by the shelves to help them optimize their operations.
Shopper-facing capabilities boost sales increasing revenue and margins for both retailers and brand owners.

NES Smart Shelf
Object-Recognition Digital Surface developed by NCI Digital
The connection to the physical world by recognition of real objects offers a new innovative brand activation.

NES Smart Shelf DRS22 features.
NES/DRS22 is a compact and elegant all-in-one interactive display that enhances and elevates customer interaction.
Available from 21 to 85inch sizes with multiple Display integration modules. (Video Wall, D Signage , S Mirror)
Perfect for Table Tops with limited spaces. Connect up to 8 products with 21 inch shelf sizes and 32 products with 42 inch shelf sizes to any eCommerce application.

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